Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay

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Colonia de Sacramento is an adorable town in Uruguay that's only an hour ferry ride away from Buenos Aires.  The colorful historic quarter is an UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an ideal spot for a relaxing day trip! Plus, the banks in Uruguay dispense US dollars at the ATMs so it's the perfect place to take out a bit of cash to exchange at the blue dollar rate here in Argentina.

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I sat in a doorway on Calle de los Suspiros for about an hour painting the watercolor at the top when the family that owns the colorful house I was painting arrived home.  They came across the street to check out my work and then invited me in to see the inside and the patio of their home.  The house has been in their possession since the 80s before the area became an UNESCO World Herritage Site. There were still tile and features from the original design of the house. The owner was also an artist and showed me a few of her own paintings! 

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The Perfect Souvenir


Song of Style C'est LA Vie