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A few months ago I joined #The100DayProject, an annual challenge that encourages you to create something for 100 consecutive days.  I was in a creative rut and thought the challenge was the perfect way to break through it as well as push my artwork to new limits.  I love painting people so I decided my project would be 100 days of portraits.  

Projects like this are always easy in the beginning but as time wore on and as I was moving around and traveling the project got hard to keep up with.  I don't paint every day. I try to, but some days I don't have time or just don't feel inspired.  I broke down and didn't finish the project in 100 consecutive days.  At one point I went a few days without posting a painting and wondered if I should even bother finishing.  I was posting my progress on Instagram, but would anyone really notice if I stopped? Would they care? 

Then I realized that Instagram was only a tool I was using to keep track of what I was creating.  I wasn't doing this for anyone else - I did it for me.  I did this project to improve and test my creative limits. Who cares if I didn't complete it in 100 days, I was going to complete 100 paintings.

After that the paintings came flowing out of me. I still missed a day here or there, but it was never in my mind again to not finish.  

I now have a new collection of portrait paintings and loved playing around with different styles and techniques.  

Here are a few of my favorite illustrations from the project! To see all 100 paintings, click



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And stay tuned because many of them will soon be available for purchase as originals, prints and phone cases!

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To learn more about #The100DayProject and The Great Discontent click




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