Inspired: The Suitcase Entrepreneur

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Who is she: Natalie Sission aka The Suitcase Entrepreneur

What makes her inspiring: I have been listening to Natalie’s podcast and following her blog for a few years now. Natalie left her home country of New Zealand in 2006 and has been traveling full time since 2008. She has built a multiple six figure business while globetrotting and helps people build businesses that give them more freedom in their lives. Whether that’s as a digital nomad or to spend more time with family, she’s all about building your life in a way that gives you the freedom to live how you want. 
Everything you want to do has been done before so why not learn from someone who’s already done it? In her podcast she interviews business people and entrepreneurs to give her community of “freedom fighters” insight into the tools and tricks they use to run their businesses successfully. Listening to her podcast helped me take the plunge to head to South America and illustrate full time. She helped me realize that there’s no “right time” and how important it is to start before you’re ready. If you want more freedom or more adventure in your life be sure to check her out!

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