Inspired: Ocean Ramsey

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Who is she: Ocean Ramsey is a scuba instructor, free diver, model and most notably a shark conservationist. She became well known when a video of her swimming with white sharks went viral.

What makes her inspiring: Sharks play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem and are being over-fished to the point of extinction. She hopes that by sharing her experiences with sharks, she might inspire others to take action and help protect these amazing creatures before it’s too late. She believes that in capturing and exhibiting images of sharks and humans interacting peacefully and intimately she can help change the way people think about sharks. 

As a scuba diver and shark enthusiast myself, I’m so inspired by her efforts and for giving these misunderstood creatures a voice. Every interaction I’ve had with a shark has been magical. They look at you with such curiosity and intrigue and getting up and close with them it’s obvious they aren’t mindless killers like the movies and media portray them to be. I think what Ocean Ramsey is doing is so important and the way she’s educating people and taking action is a true inspiration.

Find out more:
Watch her TED Talk Here

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Travel Journal: Páramo de Ocetá


Ittsē: The Jet Set Collection